Monday, May 9, 2011

Highschool: The Prime Years

      Highschool is truly a gratifying and pleasant experience. One might ask what exactly makes the experience such a pleasant one. Well, let me tell you, it's our peers! There is nothing in the world I love more than being surrounded by hormonal teenagers. Their overall lack of compassion and moral is truly inspirational, and I hope to take after their examples sometime in the future when I am much more cool. Teenagers are gifted with the ability to judge people, and according to their friends, are spot on! Not only that, see that girl over there in the corner? They can decide she is totally weird and a loner, but with their amazing people skills can pull a fake nice act, then turn to their friends five minutes later and laugh about what a loser she is. How developed their understanding for people different than them is- they're so good at being diverse with their people skills!
      My favourite part about being surrounded by teenagers is their exciting stories. Why don't they talk even louder about how drunk they got last night, I don't think Alberta could hear them! Somehow they always know I am in the mood for listening to them talk about their favourite kind of booze and how hard they punched that one kid's face at that super cool party Saturday night. It is so rewarding seeing my peers making such mature and intelligent decisions in their lives, our age group is truly represented by some real gems.

      I am really sad about graduating. The fact that I'm never going to see these kids again is really upsetting, and I know I'm really going to miss them. Being around mature adults in the real world is going to be so disappointing, the unique ambiance created from being around teenagers is something that just can't be replicated. I'm going to miss being judged with such spot-on clarity and being pressured to succumb to conformity. After all, how will I ever be cool and successful without following the herd? Maybe one day I will learn to conform, since I am just aching and grasping for acceptance from my peers. They are just the kind of people I want to be around for the rest of my life- teenagers are just wonderful!

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